5 social media platforms drive traffic for your website?

Introduction  || social media platforms drive traffic

You have probably heard that social media is a known way of engaging with target audiences for business. To promote your business, you might have posted on facebook or may have replied to a business tweet. Nothing is wrong with that.

Why do small business owners who use social media think that these platforms are important for them?

It is because social media can help build brand recognition, promote community around the business and conclude.

This year it is expected that social media users globally will hit 2.5 billion. Social media platforms are the ideal audience you can depend on.

Therefore attracting traffic to your website there 5 steps we are about to talk briefly, in this article. Stay tuned. 

Moving On With Social Media For Business

Most people think about the popular and giant platforms like Facebook, Instagram,Linkedin, Twitter.

 But if you ask me, there are other platforms too that will help you promote and will bring traffic to your business and site with the same amount of effectiveness. 

The 5 others social media tool that will help you with driving traffics are:

1. Pinterest

This social media shares videos and images and infographics as well from your blog.

2. Reddit 

It engages you with a very dedicated community and proves your knowledge.

3. Tumbler

To support your website, it builds a multimedia diary.

4. Google+

As we know Google is fantastic in boosting SEO, it shares the content in it’s own platform.

5. Snapchat

It films behind-the scenes (bts) of the business in the video.

Now, that you have so many options in this social media, it is normal to get confused on which of the platforms you should be focused on.

Well, just follow your customers. That will do.

5 Points That Helps You To Draw Traffic To Your Website


What do you check out first when you click on a social media page?

Yes, your profile!

Be it your Facebook about or twitter bio or LinkedIn company page, it is all the same, it shows viewers information about your company. Therefore, your profile is the best spot to tell people about your business and maybe set a link to your website.

If your content is worth sharing and being discussed often then consumers will find your site to get more information. This initiative shows that they are interested.

Putting up a backlink doesn’t only mean that readers can only click-through but it also brings another visitor to your site.  

Never forget to put a link to your website’s homepage.


You wrote the content, with all your effort, by not sleeping at night. You did it to let the world see how good you are at what you do. But two months have passed by and just a few people have read it

. Now, you are thinking what’s the point?

Don’t worry you can surely make it a point by simply posting it on social media. You don’t have to post 20 blogs per month, are you crazy?

 Rather just post your content at any time, and see the solid results. Use hootsuite.


Nothing can make you feel good when you see people are reading the content you are creating, and responding to them.

 Just like you share an interesting post of a friend on social media, my suggestion is you do the same. You should ask your friends, relatives or anyone you know to share your posts as well.

 In this way you will earn by posting.


There is no use of posting something online when your audience is not able to see it. 

The perfect time to post something is when your target audiences are actively using social media. 

Catch them at their ‘peak time’. Optimize the schedule of your posting around your followers. Post appealing posts for your audience, especially when they are active on social media.

 In this way, they will get to see what you are talking about in your posts. They will reply to it immediately if they are interested. Chances are they will.


It is obvious to endlessly scroll through posts that are not interesting to audiences. While doing this they also miss important contents.

 Therefore you have to stop them from missing the informative content you have put. All you have to do is change the way it is getting posted. By which I mean, share visual contents rather than written ones.

Visual contents are more effective than any other types of content, as people are more into watching things than reading. Reading to some people is boring but watching something is not, as it moves.

Conclusion | social media platforms drive traffic

In this article we have elaborated 5 social media platforms that will help you draw traffic to your site. With it we have also mentioned 5 techniques to do the same.

Social media is a huge part of our present life, everything we do to let people know is shared through social media. By which you get known.

Leave us a comment below in the comment section, if this article has been any help to you.

About Author:

Rogen Rosenberger is a professional content writer with years of experience in blogging. He graduated from Stanford University, California, and then started his career in blogging. And,he contributes to many authority blogs such as Blogsteller, Tour And Travel Blog, Dream And Travel Blog. He also likes to write in many international magazines and journals. See Also – Review Blog

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Video credit – Robert Okello

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