Coast Spas Reviews Gives You Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda


At Coast Spas Reviews, we know it is very health conscious and absolutely refuses to drink soda. He believes soft drinks provide no nutritional content and is very harmful to health. I must say that I agree with him.

The Reasons

The unhealthy effects of drinking soft drinks like soda or coke are well-documented. So, if you like drinking soda, I have some bad news for you. Here are some reasons why you should stop drinking soda.

  1. It can ruin your teeth – Soda contains citric acid which can erode your tooth enamel if you consume it regularly. In fact, researchers have found that people who regularly consume soda experience the same level of tooth erosion as methamphetamine and cocaine users.
  1. It is bad for your bone health – Soda also contains phosphoric acid which makes it more difficult for your body to absorb calcium. As a result, you may suffer from osteoporosis and cavities in your teeth. Women, in particular, are more susceptible to the side effects of drinking soda.
  1. It can make you overweight – Soda contains only empty calories and provides no nutritional value. In fact, it can cause metabolic syndrome which can interfere with many of your bodily functions. The empty calories in a soda bottle only contribute to your weight gain. Even if you drink diet sodas, you are not doing yourself any good.

Also, the artificial sweeteners in soda act as sugar substitutes in your body and trigger insulin. As a result, your body goes into fat storage mode which leads you to gain more weight.

  1. It can cause dehydration – Soda contains high levels of caffeine which is a diuretic. On top of that, it also contains high levels of sugar and sodium. All of these, together, can cause dehydration in your body.

Regular soda drinkers also tend to substitute water with soda. So, when they feel thirsty, they tend to drink soda. This is more problematic as water is very vital for our body.

  1. It has been linked to type 2 diabetes – Soda contains harmful artificial sweeteners like fructose corn syrup which can interfere with your appetite, metabolism and even cause headaches in some people. The quantity of sweeteners in a can of soda is equivalent to over 4 teaspoons of sugar. Research shows that if you regularly consume diet soda, you are 36% more likely to suffer from diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Thus, it can increase the level of sugar in your body and also cause high blood pressure. Additionally, it can raise the level of harmful cholesterol in your body which can increase the risk of a stroke or other heart diseases.

  1. It can cause reproductive issues – Soda cans are coated with the endocrine disruptor bisphenol A (BPA). This can cause serious reproductive issues, obesity as well as heart problems.


Even if you are not extremely health conscious like we are at Coast Spas Reviews, you should think carefully before consuming any type of soft drink. After all, you are what you eat and in order to stay healthy, you have to consume nutritious foods and drinks.

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