How to get rid of hair transplant scars

Hair transplant is a procedure in which the hair follicles are removed from one part of the body (called the donor site) to the bald part of the body (the recipient site). Hair transplant is a trending procedure amongst bald men. It is widely preferred over other procedures such as a normal hair plug. 

There are two basic hair transplant procedures that are commonly performed – Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). The scarring that one gets after each of these is different, and the skill set of the treating doctor also makes a big impact on the outcome. Hair transplant cost in India depends on the following factors and these should be considered while deciding which type of procedure is best-

  • Type of scarring expected
  • Baldness pattern 
  • Amount and quality of donor hair
  • Size of the area where baldness is noticed

Types of procedures

Follicular Unit Extraction – 

This procedure involves taking hair from the back or side of the scalp. The surgeon extracts each donor hair with the follicle using a micro punch tool. This leaves a scar at the donor site which is around 1 mm in diameter. The level of scarring will depend on the number of hair follicles taken.. These scars heal with a white ring around them and each follicle usually contains one to four hairs. 

Each donor hair is then transplanted to the other part of the scalp where incisions are made. Given the precision required in this process, each individual hair transplant is done separately. This can take a couple of hours or even days. 

It is done under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. 

Follicular Unit Transplantation – 

This procedure involves taking a strip from the scalp along with the hair. The hair to be transplanted are usually taken from the back of the scalp. Once this strip is removed, the area is sutured back together. The hair follicle grafts are then obtained from the strip and implanted into the scalp where incisions are made.

The sutures from the donor site are removed after 10 days. This is also done on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. 

Hair transplant scar removal – 

Concealing the scarred area cosmetically is a popular method that is done by growing the hair over donor area. Although, certain types of scars, such as keloid scars, are harder to conceal. This is because they are raised scars that continue to grow over months or even years. Some people are also extra prone to keloid scarring.

There are other procedures that can help to disguise your hair transplant scar:

Scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP) – medical hairline tattoo/scalp hair tattooing.

This permanent procedure injects pigment directly into the scalp, giving the appearance of thicker hair. This procedure is used to color the scarred areas left behind after a FUE or FUT. Depending on the size of the area that has to be injected, this process can take up to several weeks. The ink color is matched with the current hair color. There might be some discomfort during this procedure.

Tricopigmentation (TMP

It is a temporary form of Scalp micro-pigmentation. This procedure uses semi-permanent ink. The ink is only inserted in the upper derma layer of the scalp. The longevity of the ink can last from six months to three years. This procedure may also be physically uncomfortable for some people.

Laser treatment 

This treatment helps reduce the appearance of scars and is sometimes used together with SMP or TMP. The laser targets and removes the damaged skin on the scar. It also helps stimulate collagen production in the skin’s dermis layer, rejuvenating the elasticity and overall appearance. Although it is a promising procedure, the results may vary from person to person.

For many people, hair transplant surgery might be a safe and effective way to retain proper physical appearance. However, scarring is an inevitable result of both the FUE and FUT procedures. Although it has been noted that FUT is a more chosen technique, given that the scarring it causes is lesser. Covering the scarred area cosmetically or with tattooing is a newer option. 

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