How to Start Guest Posting | for free and rank your website on the first page of Google

Tech ! Reviews

I am looking for a reliable method to seo my blog/online store to increase my sales. If someone has the same concern guys, then you are at the place. Here you would know exactly what works for your seo campaign and what not.

You can take your website or online store to the next level by guest posting on other blogs. And if you want to do that to get #1 rank in Google then start it today and see positive results of your seo campaigns.

Three methods to start Guest Posting

  • Register on LTR magazine site
  • Login with your gmail
  • Request for guest posting through contact form

Yes, you are thinking right, guest posting is this much easy and it will not cost you a dime. If you are good at writing then you can start it today and you reviews writing will definitely increase you search engine rank.


  1. After you start guest posting using relevant content and also using the URL of your own online store, number of  backlinks to your site or online store increase instantly. You can do multiple guest posting as well and can get good rank in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.
  2. High rank in search engines will help your sales and your site will get maximum exposure for free.
  3. Guest posting will not cost you anything.

Since everyone want to get #1 rank in google so your website must have quality content and good number of organic backlinks. But for both of these things you need to invest huge amount of money in Adword, other seo companies.

And if you are looking for a free method to get rank in the first page of google then guest posting would be the best option for you.

What to keep in mind while writing on other blogs

First and foremost thing thing that we should keep in mind is; what ever content you are posting on other people’s blog should be eye catching and visitors on the blog may share that as well.

Your guest post should have; Relevant content, of course you are doing it to get traffic and engagement to your site but keep one thing in mind friends that the visitors should trust on you writing and only then they will follow you or your stores.

Never ever post irrelevant links or your online store/website, because this may put your article into spams and you may never get results what you are expecting through guest posting.

You can use eye catching and useful images.

If you are telling a story or writing description about your products then you can use live or detailed videos. You can also start with tutorials in video formats.

So guys that’s it for this, and start your guest posting here on LTR magazine and see what it can do for you. You would definitely gain rank on the first page of Google, for sure.

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